Statin-type drugs may offer way to prevent dementia

New research has suggested that statin-type drugs could be used in future to reduce the chances of people developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Tests by scientists at the University of Cambridge have suggested that bexarotene – which is already used to treat certain types of cancer – can stop the build-up of those proteins which are thought to cause dementia in later life.

What is exciting about this particular research – which received widespread media coverage over the weekend – is that it may pave the way for a drug being made available to actually prevent Alzheimer’s taking hold. At present the few treatments available are able only to relieve symptoms of those already suffering with the condition.

While human trials are still years away, it is possible that the drug may one day be taken by millions of people in their 30s and 40s.

Prof Michele Vendruscolo, senior study author, said: “The body has a variety of natural defences to protect itself against neurodegeneration, but as we age, these defences become progressively impaired and can get overwhelmed.

“By understanding how these natural defences work, we might be able to support them by designing drugs that behave in similar ways.”

Dr Doug Brown, director of research and development at the Alzheimer’s Society, said that while the initial results were promising, the research team’s work was still at a very early stage.

“Bexarotene has many side-effects when used to treat lymphoma, such as skin complaints, headaches, and sickness, and we would also need to be sure that it’s safe for people with Alzheimer’s to take,” he said.

“We haven’t found any new drugs for dementia in over 10 years, and repurposing drugs that already work for other conditions could provide us with a shortcut to new dementia treatments.”

At EnViva Care, our experienced staff can provide managed care in the home for individuals with conditions including dementia. For more information about the services we provide, please contact us

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